E.A.T. School Lunch UX Challenge

Awesome video by Zachary K Taylor

My focus was mostly around unraveling the correct flows and building out wires.



The National School Lunch Program endeavored to improve an outdated method for people who wanted to sign up for their program. The current-state paper application was difficult to understand and poorly designed.


We interviewed, card-sorted, wireframed, and more. We then tested, iterated, built prototypes, applied visual designs, illustration, and built out a working website. Our solutions involved voice-overs, in-line quizzes, fast-track flows, delightful visuals, and a thorough effort to prevent errors. We ultimately did not win the competition; however, this work was used as a selling point to gain actual work that continues to this day.


See the challenge and full video walk through here

Sample of the working site here

My Role

Interaction Designer

Team Composition

7 Interaction Designers, Content Designer, 3 Visual Designers, Cinematographer